Burning Man 2013 – Cargo CultĀ 

John Frum is a mythical figure who brings abundance and mysterious technology. The Burning Man event in 2013 had a theme centered around him, questioning who he is, where he is from, and where we are all going on planet Earth. The event constructed an enormous replica of his sky-craft, which included the Temple of the Navigator, featuring six hand-operated zoetropes as prayer wheels. The theme attracted artists to create altars and interactive technology, and any work of art was welcome at the event.

An enormous replica of the sky-craft in which Burning Man stood majestically revolving like an interstellar beacon. The structure was made from primitive materials found on our planet, and within it was the Temple of the Navigator, featuring six hand-operated zoetropes that functioned as prayer wheels.

The Burning Man event welcomes any work of art, regardless of the theme, and provided a platform for artists to showcase their work and engage with a global community of like-minded individuals.

Awe Inspiring Art, Architecture & Landscape of Black Rock City, NV

The Model – Six Days of Heat

DoKashiteru – Destination Non Specific

Cloud 9 Podington Bear

Claremont Trio – Piano No 3 in G Minor

Broke For Free Calm The Fuck Down